Sunday, October 17, 2010

Éjfél szenvedély

Listening to: PJ Harvey - To Bring You My Love

Its too late to start a blog now. Both sense of the word late. Its after 12, I need to be up at 5 because we’re leaving (currently in Tápiószecső, a village about an hour out of Budapest, Hungary) to Székelyföld (Romania). Its also late in that Im about half way through my European trip, and I wouldve had a lot of nice stuff to write about.

I’ll write about some of the things that I’ve done and experienced on my trip on this blog at some point. I’ve kept a diary up until August… But life got way too hectic and I found it hard to write down everything that I wanted to. I really enjoyed writing it while I did, and up until now (I purchase a little laptop man) I had every intention of sitting down for a good deal of time, sometime soon, and updating it to this present day.

Fortunately since Ive got this laptop, production levels are said to increase by about 80%, whilst, unfortunatley, decreasing the level of quality. Hence being able to blabber on like this for as long as I want without getting a hand cramp or the fear of running out of pages.

Basically I cant sleep right now. Too much on the mind. And now that I have this laptop I can put some thoughts down, while lying in bed, listening to music AND talking to friends back home in Aus on fb.

Im going to end this now, so goodnight dear readers. Ha!

Useless first entry,


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