Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Dream.

I dreamed a song.
A song they were all singing.
My friends, and the faces of those I've never seen before.

They were singing my song.
They were singing a song of me.
They were singing my song like their own all around me.

I dreamed I was running.
I was running into the dark.
Away from the immortal and away from the inevitable.

It was slowly approaching, like a wise old owl.
It was approaching, I was running.
It's here now.

I dreamed I was in control.
In control of a life not my own.
In control of a life and my own.

A life forced upon me; I had no choice.
I guess we both have no choice.
I guess we both had no choice.

I dreamed I was shaken.
Into the here, into the now.
Into the then and the yet to come.

Like a fist to the face and a pinch on the side.
I couldn't calm down.
I couldn't calm down.

I dreamed of escape.
Freedom whilst in flight.
Freedom in the air for while.

Until I hit the ground struggling.
I put myself back in the tank to swim.
And cover the lid so I cant get out again.

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